Getting started with SQL - A Beginners Guide!

Getting started with SQL - A Beginners Guide!

What is SQL? A programming Language? No, absolutely not.

SQL (Structured Query Language)

The name itself says it’s a QUERY Language.

Are you thinking what’s a query? A Google search is a query.

Let me get into the brief. Queries are requests made to the database management system for specific information. Now to interact with these databases we use query languages like SQL.

To know the application of SQL in the real life, you need to first know what is a Database Management System.

Generally, we store millions of pieces of information on a computer. The collection of any kind of information is known as a database. The data is mostly present in the form of tables in the database. Now, this Database Management System (DBMS) is a special kind of software that helps the user to create and maintain a database.

Why use DBMS?

→ Makes it easy to manage large amounts of data/information.

→ Handles Security

→ Backup the data

→ Interacts with software applications.

There are 2 types of Database Management Systems

  1. Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

  2. Non-Relational Database Management System (NRDBMS)

RDBMS is software used to create and maintain relational databases. To interact with this RDBMS, we use SQL. Examples like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.

SQL is used to create tables and perform C.R.U.D Operations on data.


Create, Read, Update & Delete data. These are the 4 core operations DBMS will be working on.

With the help of SQL, we can also manage security and backups in the database. Whereas, NRDBMS will implement its own language for performing C.R.U.D Operations. For Example mongoDB, apache, firebase, etc.

Yeah, that’s it for now. By the way, I’m Dinesh and this is my first blog. If you are reading this, I insist you share your learnings in public and give it back to the community. See you in the next blog!👋🏽